Est. 2012 in Harrisonburg, VA
Est. 2012 in Harrisonburg, VA
Feel The Rain Brothers Brew Co.
Feel The Rain Brothers Brew Co.
Our mission is to brew and sell the best craft beer possible.
As a family owned business, we focus on both the community that we live in, and the community that we have created. We're proud of our commitment to tap into local products and services to bring you what you are looking for... a truly unique, quality craft beer for our retailers and consumers.
When we started this endeavor, we couldn’t have possibly imagined the growth we’ve been so fortunate to experience. Since beginning production in December of 2012, we’ve had the honor of taking home various awards on the state and national level, expanded our production facilities and distribution, and most importantly we’ve been able to share our passion for meticulously crafted, delicious beer with each of our fans.